Should I Allow Pets in My San Mateo Rental? Property Management Expert Answers - article banner

Many landlords in San Mateo refrain from keeping tenants who have pets because of the general notion that pets cause extensive damage to the property. Even the most well-behaved pets can sometimes cause property damage.

On the other hand, pets can bring great joy to tenants and liveliness to a household. Hence the question, should you allow pets in your San Mateo rental? Here are the pros and cons.

Cons of Allowing Pets in your San Mateo Rental

To begin with, pets, especially dogs, can be loud at times, which may disturb the neighbors. Pets can create a ruckus when their owners are not at home. This becomes a problem when the tenant is out for long durations with their pets back home by themselves.

Another issue landlords have with pets is that they may damage furniture, carpets, and even the walls. It is different if you own the house, but these damages to your rental property can create additional expenses when you need to fix everything for the next tenant.

Pet-related Rules and Regulations

As a landlord, there is no federal, state, or even local law that compels you to allow pets on your property.

However, you need to know that all animals are not classified under the same umbrella. There are pets and there are service animals.

Service animals are different from pets; they are a necessity. A blind person will face extreme difficulties in trying to navigate without their guide dog.

Similarly, companion animals, emotional support animals, and therapy animals are a necessity for their respective owners. Denying a person from renting your property because they have a service animal with them may land you in some serious legal trouble.

Pros of Allowing Pets in your San Mateo Rental

Allowing pets has its own perks. You can charge additional rent from the tenant if they have a pet on your property. Usually, tenants comply with this as finding a house that allows pets can be a hassle. If they find a pet-friendly home in a prime area like San Mateo, they will be more than happy to pay an additional sum. (Keep in mind that this pet fee does not apply to service animals.)

Moreover, most tenants understand their responsibility of keeping their pets in control and will do their best to minimize property damages and keep your home neat and clean.

Nearly two-thirds of all American households own some sort of pet. By disallowing pets on your property, you cut down on a substantial section of potential tenants. On the other hand, when you allow pets, it naturally keeps your rental ahead of your competition. This also reduces the time your property stays vacant and makes sure that you earn optimum ROI around the year.

Due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, most of the people in San Mateo are now working from home. This ensures that their pets are under constant supervision, reducing the risk of potential property damage.

Ultimately, it comes down to your personal choice. If you are a pet person and better exposure in the rental space market along with additional rent and pet deposit sound like compelling reasons, consider allowing pets in your San Mateo rental property.

Property managementFounded in 1982 in Marin County, Bayside Management has expanded to offer full-service San Mateo property management to the entire San Francisco Peninsula. We manage single-family properties, multi-unit complexes, commercial properties, and homeowner associations. Contact us for any property management needs.